2023 Skin Health

Well here we are in February 2023. This is the month the year really starts.
Itโ€™s time to think about making a skin health plan.
At the Mayah Clinic I will teach you how to take control of what is going on with your skin. I want you to understand how best to handle your skin concerns, preserve and maintain your skin health now and into the future, and achieve reliable changes where needed.
This clinic is where the latest technology combines with traditional values to deliver the best for you.
I want to make a detailed plan for you, for the rest of the year so you donโ€™t have to worry about it any more and can just get on with your life. (no more spending half the night googling potentially unreliable sources of information wondering what really works.)

Now it may involve some commitment on your part – just like a weight loss plan, or exercise program. Skin needs regular care. It needs daily treatment formulations and regular professional care to be the best it can be.
For example, RATIONALE Signature Facials with Photonsmart high strength LED are provided by the Mayah Clinic. If you already use RATIONALE Skincare you will understand the transformative nature of these formulations. I recommend a monthly visit. The ingredients, or strength of ingredients may vary each month depending on your skins needs.
This is a great start for your skin journey.

I will assess your skin specifically and customised a tried and tested, results driven plan, just for you. What a great way to start the rest of your skins life!

So take the worry our of managing your skin. Hand that worry over to professionals.
I will be accountable for achieving the results we know are possible for you.
You will be right where you need to be.

Book a skin consultation now, and dive right in with a February Facial/LED to get you started!


Our approach is centred on personalisation. An initial consultation will ensure we can offer you bespoke, medically-backed guidance around which customised treatments will enable you to achieve long-lasting natural, targeted results, and healthy glowing skin.