Let’s talk about Menopause with Dr Holmes

As anyone who has entered upon the menopause journey knows, one of the many joyful changes we experience is “the Great Thickening”.

That flat stomach and slim waistline suddenly disappears. Lowered estrogen levels result in our bodies redistributing fat – even storing more fat. This is noticeable in a “thickening of the torso” e.g., back fat, bra fat and waist fat. Even more fat where you can’t see – inside the abdomen.

Now making sure you are exercising well, and in a way that suits your body is the first important thing to do. Not just walking (whilst that is important), but weight bearing/resistance exercises to build muscles (which is something that suddenly becomes much harder after menopause). You don’t need to be lifting weights at the gym (although great if you are!). Body weight exercises, using resistance bands, Pilates etc. all achieve this same goal.

BUT – if there are still those pockets of fat that feel like are so hard to reduce or bothering you, Trusculpt iD might be the answer. This radio Frequency 15-minute treatment can reduce fat by 24% (on average) with each treatment.

Book a complimentary consultation and see if this is right for you.
before and after trusculpt stomach


Our approach is centred on personalisation. An initial consultation will ensure we can offer you bespoke, medically-backed guidance around which customised treatments will enable you to achieve long-lasting natural, targeted results, and healthy glowing skin.