The Difference Between Moisture and Hydration

Have you always thought that hydration and moisture were synonymous when it comes to skincare? We’re here to share some science with you all about the difference between moisture and hydration.

Hydration and hydrating ingredients (called humectants) attract water to the lop layer of skin, either from the environment or deep layers of the skin. Hydrating ingredients include honey, gelatine, urea, sorbitol and hyaluronic acid.

Humectants can also be moisturising, so you won’t necessarily need separate products to achieve both hydration and moisture. Moisturising ingredients include occlusives, which are oil or lipid based and help prevent water loss. You might already be using products with beeswax, mineral oil or lanolin, which fit into this category.

Emollients, such as shea butter or coconut oil, assist in strengthening your skin’s barrier function and can improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Protein rejuvenators have been a hot topic over the last few years. You would know them as collagen, keratin and elastin, which help to replenish the skin’s proteins.

We hope you’ve learnt something new today!

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Our approach is centred on personalisation. An initial consultation will ensure we can offer you bespoke, medically-backed guidance around which customised treatments will enable you to achieve long-lasting natural, targeted results, and healthy glowing skin.